Welcome to Find My Home. New property adverts start on Wednesdays at 12pm (lunch time) and run to the following Wednesday at 12pm.

Each property advert will state the number of bedrooms the property has, the mobility category and any age restrictions. Our adverts will clearly state the criteria we have set and you can bid for any properties that meet your needs and that you meet the criteria for.   


Bedroom criteria

We will determine how many bedrooms your household needs based on our Allocations Policy.  Applicants will only be able to bid for properties that are the right size for their household.


Age criteria

Some of our properties are specially designed for older people or Wellbeing 60+ service users and will be restricted to people over the age of 55 or 60.  The advert will clearly state when this restriction applies and what the age criteria is.


Mobility category criteria

Every property has a mobility category which explains how accessible the property is.  Every applicant is also given a mobility category based on the type of property they have told us that they need. 

Applicants are prevented from bidding for properties that are unsuitable for their mobility needs.  Due to the scarcity of accessible properties, when advertising wheelchair accessible, ground floor or lift access properties we will prioritise applicants who need those features above those who don’t.

The table below shows which applicants can apply for each type of property and the order that applicants will be prioritised in.


Property Mobility Category

Applicant mobility categories that can apply and order of priority

Above ground floor with stairs

No mobility issues


Ground floor – no stairs or steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs or steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues

Ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues


Ground floor – internal stairs  

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues


Lift access – no internal stairs

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

No mobility issues


Wheelchair adapted

Wheelchair user

*Wheelchair accessible properties will only be allocated to applicants who don’t have a wheelchair user in their household if the property can not be allocated to a wheelchair user.  This happens very rarely.*































