Frequently asked questions

Find My Home is a partnership between Queens Cross Housing Association and Maryhill Housing.  It is an online housing information, advice and lettings service which allows applicants to register with both associations from one housing application. It is a choice-based lettings system which allows applicants to choose which properties they want to apply for.

If you are looking to apply for a home with Queens Cross Housing Association or Maryhill Housing you should complete an application form. The form will ask you to provide details about your household and your housing circumstances. We can then use this information to determine your housing needs and we will award a priority band to reflect this. You can start a new application here.

When we have an available property, we will place an advert on The advert will run for one week, from Wednesday at 12pm (lunch time) to the following Wednesday at 12pm. Registered applicants who are interested in the property and meet the criteria which is explained in the advert can place a bid. This means that they are noting their interest in that property. You can view the properties we are advertising here.  Adverts will show which association is advertising each property.

When the advert ends, we receive a list of everyone who has placed a bid, sorted in order of their housing priority and suitability for the property and we will offer it to the first suitable applicant on the list.


There are four priority bands - Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. These priority bands may be awarded in the following situations:


Priority Band  
• Current Queens Cross Housing Association or Maryhill Housing tenants who need to move urgently for their own safety (i.e. when they are experiencing domestic abuse, hate crime or serious harassment). Supporting evidence from Police Scotland or another recognised agency would be required before this band would be awarded.
• Applicants who have an exceptional housing need which is so unusual that it is not covered by our allocation policy
• Applicants in receipt of a Queens Cross Wellbeing service (Housing First for Young People, Wellbeing for Good Mental Health, Wellbeing for people age 60+) where it has been recognised that they would benefit from moving due to their specific support needs.
• Queens Cross Housing Association or Maryhill Housing tenants who require to be rehoused due to regeneration activity (i.e. their home is being demolished)
• Applicants who are homeless and have been referred to us by Glasgow City Council
• Applicants who are leaving care and have been referred to us by the Social Work department
• Applicants with complex medical conditions or disabilities where their property does not meet their needs
• Social landlord tenants who are under-occupying their property by two or more bedrooms and want to downsize
• Applicants who are overcrowded by two or more bedrooms
• Applicants whose property has been assessed as being Below a Tolerable Standard by a Local Authority
• Current Queens Cross Housing Association or Maryhill Housing tenants who have experienced a relationship breakdown
• Applicants leaving active service with the Armed Forces
• Applicants who live in unsuitable housing due to a medical condition/disability but are not housebound and their life is not at risk due to their current housing
• Social landlord tenants who are under-occupying their property by one bedroom and want to downsize
• Applicants who are overcrowded by one bedroom
• Applicants who need to move to access medical treatment, for employment purposes, due to financial hardship or to be near relatives for support
• Private rented tenants or homeowners who are at risk of losing their home
• Private rented tenants whose property is in a poor condition
• Applicants who are experiencing relationship strain in their household
• Vulnerable tenants who are experiencing serious and persistent anti-social behaviour and who have reported the issue to the relevant parties
• Applicants who are sofa surfing or living in temporary accommodation 
Bronze • Applicants who are assessed with none of the above housing needs but consider that they are unsuitably housed

Please note that the above is a summary of our priority bands.  More information about the criteria for each band can be found in our Allocation Policy. 

Priority bands will be reviewed regularly and may be downgraded if applicants refuse offers of suitable housing that would meet their needs. 

To report a change of your circumstances, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the button which says “Log in to view or change my application”
  • On the next screen, choose “Log in” and enter your log in details then click on “Log in” at the bottom of the screen
  • On the next screen, click on the link that says “Report a change of circumstances”
  • Review each page of your application and update any information that has changed.  Please continue to the very last page and click the button that says “finish”. If you don’t go all the way to the last page, your application won’t be live and you won’t be able to bid for properties.  

Once you have made the changes and clicked the “finish” button, we will review the changes you have made before making your application active again.  

You may move into a higher or lower priority band following a change of circumstances.


Check out our handy guide which tells you everything you need to know about managing your account on Find My Home.

When we have an available property, we will place an advert on The advert will run for one week, from Wednesday at 12pm (lunch time) to the following Wednesday at 12pm. We may advertise properties for longer over holiday periods, such as Easter or Christmas.  Property adverts will display the advert closing date so that applicants know the date by which they need to place a bid if they are interested in the property.

The advert will detail the landlord, the property address, location, property type and size, details of the property features and will include photographs and other important information. The advert will also confirm the closing date for bids.  It is important that applicants place their bid before the closing date as we cannot accept any bids after the advert has ended. There is no limit to the number of properties you can bid for each week.

You can view the properties we are advertising by selecting the "Property Search" option or clicking here.

Each property advert will state the number of bedrooms the property has, the mobility category and any age restrictions. Our adverts will clearly state the criteria we have set and you can bid for any properties that meet your needs and that you meet the criteria for.   


Bedroom criteria

We will determine how many bedrooms your household needs based on our Allocations Policy.  Applicants will only be able to bid for properties that are the right size for their household.


Age criteria

Some of our properties are specially designed for older people or Wellbeing 60+ service users and will be restricted to people over the age of 55 or 60.  The advert will clearly state when this restriction applies and what the age criteria is.


Mobility category criteria

Every property has a mobility category which explains how accessible the property is.  Every applicant is also given a mobility category based on the type of property they have told us that they need. 

Applicants are prevented from bidding for properties that are unsuitable for their mobility needs.  Due to the scarcity of accessible properties, when advertising wheelchair accessible, ground floor or lift access properties we will prioritise applicants who need those features above those who don’t.

The table below shows which applicants can apply for each type of property and the order that applicants will be prioritised in.


Property Mobility Category

Applicant mobility categories that can apply and order of priority

Above ground floor with stairs

No mobility issues


Ground floor – no stairs or steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs or steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues

Ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires ground floor – no stairs, external steps

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues


Ground floor – internal stairs  

Requires ground floor – stairs manageable

No mobility issues


Lift access – no internal stairs

Requires lift access – no internal stairs

No mobility issues


Wheelchair adapted

Wheelchair user

*Wheelchair accessible properties will only be allocated to applicants who don’t have a wheelchair user in their household if the property can not be allocated to a wheelchair user.  This happens very rarely.*
































Properties are offered to the bidder with the most compatible mobility category and the highest priority band.  If more than one applicant has the same priority band, the length of time they have had their priority for determines their position on the bid list.  

When you place a bid, you will see your current position on the bid list.  Your position may change as more bids may be added before the advert ends.  Your final position on the bid list will not be known until the advert has ended.

You can log in to your account to view your previous bids and the status of those bids.  Please click on the “log in to bid” button and go to the “my previous bids” tab. If the bid has a status of “bid shortlisted” it means that we are considering you for the property and we will contact you.  If the status is “bid lost” it means that the property has been offered to another applicant.


If you bid for a property and are then offered it, you are not obliged to accept it, however, we hope that by seeing all of the property details in the advert you will be able to make an informed choice about what properties to bid for and therefore should be confident that you would accept the property if you were offered it. 

Priority awards will be reviewed regularly and your priority may be downgraded if you refuse offers of suitable housing that meet your needs.  Please read property advert details carefully and only bid for properties that you are likely to accept if offered, as refusing offers may result in your priority band being downgraded.  Applicants with a platinum priority band will normally be made one offer of a suitable property before their band is downgraded.  Applicants with gold or silver priority will normally be made two offers of a property that meets their needs before their band is downgraded.


You can only be offered a property that you have placed a bid for.  If you don’t place any bids, you will remain registered with us but will not be offered a property.

Applicants who have been awarded a platinum priority band, in recognition of their urgent need for rehousing, may have their band downgraded if they do not bid for properties that would meet their needs.

We will contact applicants who have not placed a bid within the last year to check that they still wish to remain registered with us.

If you have a question that has not been answered here, please get in touch with us.

You can email us at [email protected] or you can call Queens Cross Housing Association on 0808 143 2002 or Maryhill Housing on 0141 946 2466.