Welcome to Find My Home. New property adverts start on Wednesdays at 12pm (lunch time) and run to the following Wednesday at 12pm.

To report a change of your circumstances, please follow these steps:

  • Click on the button which says “Log in to view or change my application”
  • On the next screen, choose “Log in” and enter your log in details then click on “Log in” at the bottom of the screen
  • On the next screen, click on the link that says “Report a change of circumstances”
  • Review each page of your application and update any information that has changed.  Please continue to the very last page and click the button that says “finish”. If you don’t go all the way to the last page, your application won’t be live and you won’t be able to bid for properties.  

Once you have made the changes and clicked the “finish” button, we will review the changes you have made before making your application active again.  

You may move into a higher or lower priority band following a change of circumstances.

